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10 Foods I Eat Every Day to Beat Depression - World Food Cuisine

Written By Mack John on Thursday, 9 November 2017 | 01:26

1. Dark Leafy Greens

If you had to choose the healthiest food of all, the most nutrient-rich element we had to eat, it would be dark, leafy vegetables, without any dispute. Spinach. Kale. Swiss Chard Greens are the first of the G-BOMBS (greens, beans, onions, mushrooms, berries, seeds) that Dr. Fuhrman describes in his book, End of Diet, Foods with Immunizing and Anticancer Effect. more powerful.

"These foods help prevent the cancerous transformation of normal cells and keep the body armed and ready to attack any precancerous or cancerous cells that may occur," he writes. They fight against all kinds of inflammation, and according to a new study published in JAMA Psychiatry, severe depression has been linked to inflammation of the brain. Leafy vegetables are especially important because they contain lots of vitamins A, C, E and K, minerals and phytochemicals.

2. Walnuts

Walnuts are one of the richest sources of omega-3 fatty acids, and many studies have shown how omega-3 fatty acids help brain function and reduce the symptoms of depression. A study published in the British Journal of Psychiatry is particularly interesting. The main authors ask themselves the following question: Why exhaustive biological research, from genetics to psychopharmacology, focuses on neurotransmitters, while the brain of mammals has approximately 80% fat (lipids)? to help the brain work? In addition, the change of the western diet of these omega-3 fatty acids needed during the last century is parallel to the strong increase of psychiatric disorders at that time.

3. Avocado

Like a whole day in my salad for lunch. Avocados are energy foods because, once again, they contain healthy fats that your brain needs to function well. Three-quarters of a lawyer's calories come from fats, mainly monounsaturated fats, in the form of oleic acid. An average avocado also contains 4 grams of protein, more than other fruits, and is full of vitamin K, different types of vitamin B (B-9, B-6 and B-5), vitamin C and vitamin E-12. Finally, they are low in sugar and high in dietary fiber, which contain approximately 11 grams each.

4. Berries

Blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, and blackberries are some of the highest antioxidant foods available to us. I try to have a variety for breakfast in the morning. In a study published in the Journal of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine, patients were treated for two years with antioxidants or placebos. After two years those who were treated with antioxidants had a significantly lower depression score. They are like DNA repairmen. They go around fixing your cells and preventing them from getting cancer and other illnesses.

5. Mushrooms

Here are two good reasons why fungi are good for your mental health. First, its chemical properties are opposed to insulin, which helps reduce blood sugar levels, your mood. They are also like a probiotic since they promote the health of intestinal bacteria. And since the nerve cells in our intestines produce 80-90% of our body's serotonin, the critical neurotransmitter that keeps us healthy, we can not afford to pay no attention to our intestinal health.

6. Onions

You will not find this article on most humor food lists. However, it is included in the Fuhrman G-BOMBS because onions and allium vegetables (garlic, leeks, chives, shallots and chives) have been associated with a lower risk of several cancers.

"Eating onions and garlic is often associated with a lower risk of cancer of the digestive tract," says Fuhrman. "These vegetables also contain high concentrations of flavonoid anti-inflammatory antioxidants that contribute to their anticancer properties." Again, if you consider the relationship between your digestive tract and your brain, we understand why a food that can prevent bowel cancer could also benefit your mood.


7. Tomatoes

I try to eat at least six small tomatoes in my salad every day for lunch because tomatoes contain a lot of folic acid and alpha lipoic acid, both of which are good for fighting depression. According to a study published in the Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, many studies show a high incidence of folate deficiency in patients with depression. In most studies, about one-third of depressed patients had folate deficiency.

Folic acid can prevent the formation of an excess of homocysteine - which limits the production of important neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine - in the body. Alpha lipoic acid continues to appear as I read more about nutrition and the brain, so I started taking it as a supplement. It helps the body to convert glucose into energy and thus stabilizes mood ..

8. Beans

"Beans, beans, good for the heart The more you eat, the more you ... smile." They make the G-BOMB list because they can act as anti-diabetes and weight loss foods. They are good for my mood because my body (and the whole body) digests them slowly, which stabilizes the levels of sugar in the blood. Any food that helps me balance my blood sugar is my friend. They are the starch that I allow myself, so over a salad, they help to alleviate my craving for bread and other processed cereals.

9. Seeds

When I'm about to catch potato chips - or anything else that screams "I'm going to take away your pain!" - I'm giving myself a handful of sunflower seeds or any other kind of seed I can find in our kitchen. Seeds are the last food on Fuhrman's G-BOMBS list.

Flax seeds, hemp seeds and chia seeds are particularly good for your mood because they are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Fuhrman writes, "Not only do seeds add their own spectrum of unique disease-fighting substances to the food landscape, but the fat in the seeds increases the absorption of protective nutrients in vegetables eaten at the same meal.

10. Apples

An apple a day could - if consumed with the rest of these foods - keep the psychiatrist away, at least for extended periods. Like berries, apples are rich in antioxidants, which can help prevent and repair oxidation damage and inflammation at the cellular level. They are also full of soluble fiber, which balances fluctuations in blood sugar. A snack I've come to love is almond butter on apple slices. I take my omega-3 fatty acid with fiber.


About Mack John


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